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Department of History

Strickland Visiting Scholars


Dr. Evelynn Hammonds

Chair, Department of the History of Science, Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz Professor of the History of Science, Professor of African and African American Studies 

Dr. Hammonds gave a public webinar, “Confronting COVID-19: Medicine, History, and Public Health” on October 22. In this lecture, Dr. Hammonds shared her current research on the historical factors that have led to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on African American communities in the United States. Click here to watch the recording.


Dr. Paula Findlen

Ubaldo Pierotti Professor of Italian History, Director of the Suppes Center for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, and Director of the SIMILE Program at Stanford University 

Dr. Findlen gave a public lecture titled “Leonardo’s Library: How a Renaissance Artist Discovered the Meaning of Books” on Tuesday, October 22 in the Tennessee Room of the James Union Building. Click here to watch a recording of her lecture.


Dr. Karley Kehoe
Canada Research Chair in Atlantic Canada Communities at Saint Mary’s University, Nova Scotia

Dr. Kehoe gave a public lecture titled “Science Diplomacy: History Matters-This is Why” on Thursday, April 4 in the State Farm Room of the Business Aerospace Building. Click here to see a video from her lecture.

Dr. Eugene Rogan
Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History and Director of St. Antony’s College Middle East Centre, Oxford University

Dr. Rogan gave a public lecture titled “World War I and the Making of the Modern Middle East” on Thursday, November 15 in the Tennessee Room of the James Union Building. Click here to see a video from his lecture.


Sam Moore
Programme Chair for Applied Archaeology, Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland

Mr. Moore gave a public lecture titled “Re-Appropriating the Past: The Hill of Tara as Part of Irish Cultural Identity.” on Tuesday, March 27 at the MTSU Foundation House. Click here to see a video from his lecture.

Dr. Anne Hyde
Professor of History, University of Oklahoma

Dr. Hyde gave a public lecture titled “Uncovering a ‘Half-Breed History of North America” on Tuesday, October 24 at the State Farm Room, BAS S102.


Joe Genetin-Pilawa
Associate Professor of History, Michigan State University

Dr. Genetin-Pilawa gave a public lecture titled “The Indians’ Capital City: Native Histories of Washington DC” on Tuesday, March 21, 2017.

Dr. J. Arch Getty
Distinguished Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles

Dr. Getty gave a public lecture titled “Understanding Putin” on November 7, 2016 in College of Education Room 160 at 6:30 p.m.  


Dr. Michael Neiberg
Professor of History, U.S. Army War College

Dr. Neiberg gave a lecture titled “Demolishing the Myths and Half-Truths of 1914: Why We Must Do Better in 2014,” on November 10. Click here to listen to his interview with MTSU On the Record.

Dr. Mark Burkholder
Curators’ Professor, University of Missouri – St. Louis

Dr. Ann Taves
Professor of Religious Studies, University of California – Santa Barbara

Dr. Taves will give a public lecture on March 18, “Prophet, Visionary, or Fraud?: Joseph Smith and the Materialization of the Golden Plates” from 11:30-12:30 in JUB 100.


Dr. Thomas J. Sugrue    
David Boies Professor of History and Director of the Penn Social Science and Policy Forum, University of Pennsylvania 

Dr. Sugrue gave a public lecture on September 24, “The Education of Barack Obama: Race and Politics in the Age of Fracture.” Click here to see a brief video from his lecture and click here to listen to an interview conducted by MTSU On the Record.

Dr. William Blair
College of the Liberal Arts Research Professor and Director of the Richards Civil War Era Center, Pennsylvania State University 

Dr. Blair was on campus March 5-7, 2014. He gave a brown bag lecture titled “Military Interference in Elections and the 13th Amendment.”

Dr. Alison Games
Dorothy M. Brown Distinguished Professor of History, Georgetown University 

Dr. Games came to campus March 18-21, 2014. 


Dr. George C. Herring    
Alumni Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Kentucky

Dr. Herring came to campus and spoke about “Vietnam: The War That Won’t Go Away.” He is an expert on the Vietnam War and is the author of America’s Longest War: The United States and Vietnam 1950-1975. Click here to listen to an interview with Dr. Herring conducted by MTSU On the Record.

Dr. Steven Stowe
Emeritus Professor of History, Indiana University – Bloomington

Dr. Stowe visited campus September 23-26. He gave a brown bag lecture on September 26 titled “The Known World of Self and Slavery in the Civil War Diaries of Southern Women.”

Dr. Caterina Pizzigoni
Associate Professor of History, Columbia University

Dr. Pizzigoni conducted a brown bag lecture on April 17 titled “Defining the indigenous household – perspectives from The Life Within.”


Dr. Marla Miller
Professor and Director of Public History Program, University of Massachusetts – Amherst

Dr. Miller’s research interests include Early American History, American Material Culture, Women’s History, and Public History. 


Dr. Donald B. Redford   
Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies and History, Pennsylvania State University 

Dr. Redford is an Egyptologist and a professor in Classics and Ancient Mediterranean studies and history. In October of 2011, he gave an open lecture titled “Mendes: City of the Ram and Fish, Microcosm of Ancient Egypt.”  


Dr. Christon Archer
Professor of History and Director of Latin American Research Centre, University of Calgary 

Dr. Archer spoke on “Winning all of the Battles and Losing the War: How Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Forged Independent Mexico, 1810–1821” during his visit in October of February of 2010. Dr. Archer is a scholar in Latin American and military history.  


Dr. Carol Anderson
Associate Professor of African American Studies and History, Emory University

Dr. Anderson visited campus in October of 2008. She gave a public lecture titled “Rac(e)ing Human Rights: the Role of Jim Crow in Shaping the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.” Dr. Anderson is a human rights scholar. 


Dr. Craig E. Colton
Professor of Geography, Louisiana State University 

Dr. Colton, professor of historical geography, came to campus in March of 2008. He gave a talk titled “Extreme New Orleans: Growing Beyond the City’s Limits.” 


Dr. Vernon Burton   
Professor of History and Director of the Clemson Cyberinstitute, Clemson University

In March 2006, Dr. Burton visited MTSU for two weeks accompanied by his wife, Georganne B. Burton, who has edited several works with him. Burton’s studies concentrate on race and social relations in the American South. He delivered a lecture titled “The South as Other, the Southerner as Stranger” during his stay.


Dr. Lois Banner
Professor of History and Gender Studies, University of Southern California 

Dr. Banner’s research areas include Cultural History, Women’s History, Gender History, feminist studies, masculinity studies, sexuality and queer studies, and nineteenth and twentieth century United States.


Dr. Carole Levin
Willa Cather Professor of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Dr. Levin, an expert on early modern England and women’s history, came to MTSU for two weeks in September of 2003. During her visit, Dr. Levin gave a public lecture about Elizabeth I, “All the Queen’s Children: Elizabeth I and the Meaning of Motherhood.”


Dr. Timothy H. Breen
William Smith Mason Professor of American History, Northwestern University

Dr. Breen, a historian of Colonial America, was MTSU’s Strickland Scholar in April of 2000. While here, he delivered a public lecture titled “The Invention of Color: Reconstructing the U.S. Landscape of the World of George Washington.”


Dr. Steven J. Ross   
Professor of History, University of Southern California 

Dr. Ross visited MTSU in the fall of 2000. He delivered a public lecture titled “Visualizing Ideology: Hollywood and the Working Class.” He also delivered several other lectures to various classes during his two weeks on campus. Dr. Ross is a scholar in film, cultural, and political history. 


Dr. Gerhard L. Weinberg
Professor Emeritus of History, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Dr. Weinberg was the first Strickland Visiting Scholar, coming to campus in March of 2000. He is a distinguished scholar and expert on World War II and Nazi Germany. Dr. Weinberg visited MTSU again in October of 2013 for the MTSU Holocaust Studies Conference. Click here for a brief video from his lecture. 

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Peck Hall 223

Department Chair
Emily Baran

(615) 904-8164

(615) 898-5798

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(615) 898-2631